Monday, September 14, 2009

The last dollie

I put the last little doll in the shop this morning!!!NOEL

A few more owls were also added.

These are just 3 out of the 7. Another busy day ahead!!! I have 6 custom Owls to get busy on. Matthew is home today so hopefully I will get some more done then usual. We had a another accident with a window this morning:/ Jonathan ran and pushed his hands through his bedroom window, thank God the shade is down. Matt was very mad and I am now permanently scared of windows. Hopefully that will be enough window breaking for the next 25 years:(

I wish everyone a happy day!!


  1. sounds like Jonathan has found his inner-ramminess!

  2. I just bought a cute little owl off etsy, the last one I think. I can't wait to get it for my sisters birthday :)
