Friday, October 28, 2011

Getting back

I am trying to get back into the blogging thing. It is a challenge!!! As many of you know I have 5 children. My oldest is 14, so she doesn't really need me to be doing things for her, but they all need something from me and that is my time. I struggle with fitting everything into my day for sure! More and more I am realizing that I need to connect with other bloggers on a higher level than just stopping in now and then. This will be a small start for me.

Have you visited Casey Wiegand's blog?? She is the cutest not mention her beautiful family!! She is hosting a blog fest to meet new people:)

Introduce yourself and link up to the other blogs:))

Put your shop links, Facebook, etsy, twitter, whatever you have, stick the links in your blog:)


Flickr-April Foss

If you want to contact me

I also am a follower of Lindsey:) She hosts WIWW and another fun idea is instafriday and I am going to join her this week:) Jonathan playing while mom does some work:) Such a happy little guy! Carmen, just home from school, only to run off to Volleyball practice! This day was such a crabby morning for me. My 3 youngest kids (4, 6 and 9), cleaned the downstairs for me while I was trying to relax in the bath. I am talking vacuuming, folding blankets, picking up toys. It was so great, I cried:)Going shopping! With her.For this Halloween costume:)

Spending everyday with this little guy while his siblings are at school:)

Another Friday is here already!! Time is going so fast! I am sure a lot of you can relate. Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. oh my goodness... your daughter looks just like you!!!

  2. Stopping by from FFF :)

    I'm a new follower...come visit me sometime if you'de like!

  3. Hi there!. Coming over Follow Fest :). Hope to see you around my place sometime :)

  4. Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog. I too need to find more time in the day to be a better blogger...and I only have two kiddos keeping me busy!

  5. thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments! i'm your newest follower... looking forward to reading all you have to share! beautiful kiddos!

  6. It seems like you do have a full schedule to balance.I salute you for making time to blog. Glad I found you on the blog fest
