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Facebook-April Sundin Foss
Facebook-April Sundin Foss
Flickr-April Foss
If you want to contact me
I also am a follower of Lindsey:) She hosts WIWW and another fun idea is instafriday and I am going to join her this week:)
Jonathan playing while mom does some work:) Such a happy little guy!
Carmen, just home from school, only to run off to Volleyball practice!
This day was such a crabby morning for me. My 3 youngest kids (4, 6 and 9), cleaned the downstairs for me while I was trying to relax in the bath. I am talking vacuuming, folding blankets, picking up toys. It was so great, I cried:)
Going shopping!
With her.
For this Halloween costume:)
Spending everyday with this little guy while his siblings are at school:)
Another Friday is here already!! Time is going so fast! I am sure a lot of you can relate. Hope you have a great weekend!