Corrina's room has been slow going, but I think we are almost there:) It used to be our room and then my studio and for some reason we painted it this UGLY dark plumish color. We switched all the rooms around about 2 yrs ago when I decided I needed more room for my growing business.
Corrina has wanted her room painted ever since and we finally decided just to do it. She helped a little bit.

Last weekend I had Matt hang some things for her and I then "decorated" them.

Lots of family photos and a few scrapbooks I have made for her over the years. Baskets that I am sure will stay empty because that is way she rolls:/ An adorable clock from my sister Stacy that she brought back home from Greece:) Unfortunately it is broken, but can't throw it away. Fun little buckets hanging from hooks that are supposed to be used to put things in. The now have clothes hanging over them instead.

She magnetic and peg boards are from Pottery Barn. We have had them sitting in a closet for like 4 yrs. These are also filled with love notes, pictures and foolishness already. The flag banner was made by me like 3 yrs ago. We strung it across her room. So cute!

Her fun curtain:) Her bedspread matches, but she something else on there at the time. She hates this pic of her so here is a cuter one:)

This one is from the summer, she is so hard to take a picture of, but she will take 8 million of herself.
I wish you all a very Happy Friday and a great weekend:)